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Data Structure and Algorithm Complete Note (Handwritten)

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This post contains a complete note of the Data Structure and Algorithm entirely Handwritten. I had prepared this note for myself and now thought to share it with you all. Here in this post, you can get unit-wise notes. If you like this note you can share it with your friends.

Unit 1: Introduction to the data structure

data structure and algorithm unit1

Definition, Abstract Data Type, Importance of Data structure.

Unit 2: The Stack

Introduction, Stack as an ADT, POP and PUSH Operation, Stack Application: Evaluation of Infix, Postfix, and Prefix Expressions, Conversion of Expression.

data structure and algorithm unit2

You may also like step-by-step Infix to Postfix Converter: Click here

infix to postfix converter

Unit 3: Queue

Introduction, Queue as an ADT, Primitive Operations in Queue, Linear and Circular Queue and Their Application, Enqueue and Dequeue, Priority Queue.

data structure and algorithm unit3

Unit 4: List

Introduction, Static and Dynamic List Structure, Array Implementation of Lists, Queues as a List.

data structure and algorithm unit4

Unit 5: Linked Lists

Introduction, Linked List as an ADT, Dynamic Implementation, Insertion & Deletion of Node To and From a List, Insertion and Deletion After and Before Nodes, Linked Stacks and Queues, Doubly Linked Lists and Its Advantages.

data structure and algorithm unit5

Unit 6: Recursion

Introduction, Principle of Recursion, Recursion vs. Iteration. Recursion Example: TOH and Fibonacci Series, Applications of Recursion, Search Tree.

data structure and algorithm unit6

Unit 7: Trees

Introduction, Basic Operation in Binary tree, Tree Search and Insertion/Deletion. Binary Tree Traversals (pre-order. post-order and in-order), Tree Height, Level and Depth, Balanced Trees: AVL Balanced Trees, Balancing Algorithm, The Huffman Algorithm, Game tree, B-tree.

data structure and algorithm unit7

Unit 8: Sorting

Introduction, Internal and External Sort. Insertion and Selection Sort, Exchange Sort, Bubble and Quick Sort, Merge and Radix Sort, Shell Sort, Binary Sort, Heap Sort as Priority Queue, Efficiency of Sorting, Big ‘O’ Notation.

data structure and algorithm unit8

Unit 9: Searching

Introduction to Search Technique; essential of search, Sequential search, Binary search, Tree search, General search tree. Hashing: Hash function and hash tables, Collision resolution technique, Efficiency comparisons of different search techniques.

data structure and algorithm unit9

Unit 10: Graphs

Introduction, Graphs as an ADT, Transitive Closure, Warshall’s Algorithm, Types of Graph, Graph Traversal and Spanning Forests, Kruskal’s and Round­Robin Algorithms, Shortest-path Algorithm, Greedy Algorithm, Dijkstra’s Algorithm.

data structure and algorithm unit10

Unit 11: Algorithms

Deterministic and Non-deterministic Algorithm. Divide and Conquer Algorithm, Series and Parallel Algorithm, Heuristic and Approximate Algorithms.

data structure and algorithm unit11

Keywords: data structure and algorithm note, data structure and algorithm note, notes of data structure.

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