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Understanding REST API Interview Questions with Examples

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As the demand for web services continues to grow, knowledge of REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs has become essential for developers and engineers. Preparing for an interview that focuses on REST APIs requires familiarity with fundamental concepts, practical applications, and common interview questions. This blog post outlines key topics, sample questions, and illustrative examples that candidates should be prepared to discuss.

Key Concepts of REST APIs

What is REST?
REST is an architectural style for designing networked applications. It uses a stateless communication protocol (typically HTTP) and relies on standard operations such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to interact with resources. RESTful services emphasize simplicity and scalability by using URIs to identify resources and represent them in formats like JSON or XML.

Characteristics of RESTful APIs:

  • Statelessness: Each request from the client contains all the information needed to process it, which means the server does not store any session data.
  • Resource-Based: Resources are identified by URIs, and the representation of these resources can be in various formats.
  • Use of HTTP Methods: Common methods include:
    • GET: Retrieve data from a server.
    • POST: Send data to the server to create a resource.
    • PUT: Update an existing resource.
    • DELETE: Remove a resource.

Common REST API Interview Questions with Examples

1. Explain what REST and RESTful mean.

REST stands for Representational State Transfer, which is an architectural style for designing networked applications. A RESTful service follows these principles by managing resources through standard HTTP methods. For instance, a RESTful API for a library might have endpoints like /books to access all books or /books/{id} to access a specific book.

2. What are the architectural styles for creating web APIs?

Key architectural styles include:

  • Client-server architecture: The client (browser) requests resources from the server (API), which processes these requests.
  • Stateless communication: Each request is independent; for example, when a user requests /users/123, the server processes it without needing the previous context.
  • Uniform interface: This simplifies interactions; for example, using /products with GET retrieves all products while POST adds a new product.

3. What is the difference between PUT and POST?


  • PUT: Used to update or create a resource at a specific URI. For example:
  PUT /users/123
  Content-Type: application/json

      "name": "John Doe",
      "email": "[email protected]"

This updates the user with ID 123 or creates it if it doesn’t exist.

  • POST: Used to create a new resource. For example:
  POST /users
  Content-Type: application/json

      "name": "Jane Doe",
      "email": "[email protected]"

This creates a new user and returns the new user’s ID.

4. How do you handle errors in a REST API?

Example Answer:
Common practices include using appropriate HTTP status codes along with meaningful error messages. For instance:

  • If a user tries to access a non-existent resource:
  GET /users/999
  Status: 404 Not Found
      "error": "User not found"
  • If there’s an internal server error:
  Status: 500 Internal Server Error
      "error": "Something went wrong on our end"

5. What is the difference between AJAX and REST?

Example Answer:

  • AJAX: A technique that allows web pages to update asynchronously by sending requests to the server without reloading the page. For example, using AJAX to fetch user data:
       url: '/users/123',
       method: 'GET',
       success: function(data) {
  • REST: An architectural style that defines how resources are accessed over HTTP. For instance, accessing data via a REST API might involve calling GET /users to retrieve all users.

6. What are some common HTTP status codes used in REST APIs?

Some common HTTP status codes include:

  • 200 OK: The request was successful.
  • 201 Created: The request was successful and a resource was created (often used with POST).
  • 204 No Content: The request was successful but there is no content to return (often used with DELETE).
  • 400 Bad Request: The server cannot process the request due to client error (e.g., malformed request).
  • 401 Unauthorized: Authentication is required and has failed or has not yet been provided.
  • 403 Forbidden: The server understands the request but refuses to authorize it.
  • 404 Not Found: The requested resource could not be found.
  • 500 Internal Server Error: A generic error message indicating something went wrong on the server side.

7. How can you secure a REST API?

Securing a REST API can involve several strategies:

  • Authentication & Authorization: Use OAuth2 or JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure authentication.
  • HTTPS: Always use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit.
  • Input Validation: Validate inputs on both client and server sides to prevent injection attacks.
  • Rate Limiting: Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse of your API.

8. What is HATEOAS in REST?

Example Answer:
HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) is a constraint of the REST application architecture that allows clients to dynamically navigate resources using hyperlinks provided in responses. For example, when retrieving user details from /users/123, the response might include links to related resources like their posts or comments:

    "id": 123,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "links": {
        "posts": "/users/123/posts",
        "comments": "/users/123/comments"

9. Can you explain versioning in REST APIs? Why is it important?

Versioning is crucial for maintaining backward compatibility when changes are made to an API. It allows clients who rely on older versions of an API to continue functioning while newer versions can introduce breaking changes or new features. Common versioning strategies include:

  • URI Versioning: Including version numbers in the URL (e.g., /api/v1/users).
  • Header Versioning: Specifying version information in request headers (e.g., Accept: application/vnd.myapi.v1+json).

10. How do you implement pagination in a REST API?

Pagination helps manage large datasets by limiting the number of records returned in a single response. It can be implemented using query parameters such as page and limit. For example:

GET /users?page=2&limit=10

The response would return users on page two with ten users per page.

Tips for Interview Preparation

  1. Understand Core Principles: Familiarize yourself with REST principles, including statelessness and resource manipulation through standard HTTP methods.
  2. Practice Coding: Implement simple RESTful APIs using frameworks like Flask (Python), Express (Node.js), or Spring Boot(JAVA) to solidify your understanding.
  3. Review Common Questions: Prepare answers for frequently asked questions about error handling, security practices (like OAuth), and performance optimization techniques.


Being well-prepared for REST API interview questions can significantly enhance your chances of success in technical interviews. By understanding core concepts, practicing coding skills, and reviewing common questions with examples, candidates can demonstrate their proficiency in developing and managing RESTful services effectively. With this knowledge in hand, you’ll be ready to impress your interviewers and showcase your expertise

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